Mend: Center for Psychotherapy

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Psychological Testing

Mend Center for Psychotherapy can provide in-depth psychological assessments to help you find the clues you need in order to address those obstacles standing in your way. We offer two areas of focus with our assessments: 

  1. Cognitive testing

  2. Emotional/Personality testing. 

If you are experiencing problems with learning, sustained attention, or memory cognitive testing may help you find some answers. In some cases, a primary care physician may refer you for testing to determine diagnostic clarification. In other cases, it may be your own curiosity and years of struggle with certain obstacles that lead you to find some answers. 

Cognitive testing

A cognitive assessment will help you identify the problem, provide recommendations for managing life more effectively, and potentially offer referrals for ongoing care and support. Below is a list of cognitive assessments offered through Mend. 

Cognitive Testing: 

  • Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD 

  • Educational and learning accommodations 

  • Career exploration 

  • Intelligence testing

Emotional/personality testing

Emotional/personality testing may be useful in situations where your therapist and you feel stuck in your treatment progress and you are in need of diagnostic clarification. Or it may be that your potential employer (clergy ordination, police academy, etc.) is requiring some sort of fitfulness evaluation. 

Emotional/personality testing can be a useful tool to provide insight into your particular strengths and weaknesses. There is a wealth of insight gleaned from an in-depth exploration of your personality, how you respond to stress, and how you relate to others. Mend offers testing for the following areas: 

  • Diagnostic clarification and treatment planning (e.g. Bipolar Disorder, depression, OCD, Anxiety related disorders, personality disorders)

  • Clergy candidacy evaluations 

  • Leadership development exploration 

  • Personal growth and development 

Testing sessions

Assessments are typically scheduled in 3-6 hour blocks of time. 

  • You will meet for a one hour initial consultation at which time your provider will determine the specific purpose of the evaluation and which battery of tests will be most suitable to address the goals of the assessment. 

  • You will then return for the administration of the tests, which can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. 

  • Finally, the test results are scored and your counselor will write up a report with recommendations. 

You will meet for a feedback session to review the results and go over the recommendations.